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tv   FOX 45 News at 500  FOX  October 24, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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riding his bike in the 4800 bbock oo rolaad avenue.....the same suspects hit him with the vehicce.....forced him inside the ccr.....when they reelized he did not have an aam card.....they stooe personal property....and dropped him off along roland road...//take pot// (31:27)if you see a gold or liiht colored sedannpossibly a dodge........or 911 immediately... 3 the driver is ddscribed s a white male with a shaved head and a thick build....the front wwite male wearing dark s a clothing....5'8 -5'9....thin build.... the third susseet is describbd as a black male 5'8 to 5'10 ....20 to 30...years old.....very thiik build.... build....police sayy....if you see somethinn......sayy something....
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the... man... who sexually assaultedd...a student an area... coolege collegepolice... say... it happened around three o''lock... monday morning... marylandduniversity...///.the victim... waa attacked ...affer leaving... tte walking back... to her dorm &p.../ when a ma ...grabbed her, .../ thheatened her... with a knife,.../ then... sexxally assaulted hee. "detectives are investigatiig this, they're doing some &pfolllw ups, bt we're aaking anyone whoomay have been out in thii area arounn 3 am, this is mondaa morning, if you saw anyone suspicious posssblyy contact the police." police."the suspeet... is described... as a white male... in his 40's..// about... 5-feet, 10-inches tall... with a mediim uild.../. the victim... hhs beee treeted and released ..from the &phossittl. it's a first on fox investigationnthat exposed crimes committed inside city schools but never epooted to
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city pplice.tonight, mayor stephanie rawlings-blake expresses concern surrrunding teacher safety.she now wants to sit down with sshoollc-e-o doctor alonzo who overseee the citt school our pnvestigation uncoverrd... more and more criies are being handled in-house rather thaa reporttd to baltimore ciiy &p addto say reearddng the troubllng trend. (mayor) 13:29:15 that oncerns me aad i'm certainly going to follow up with doctor alonzo as well as the school boardour teachers work too hard aad make too many sacrifices to throughheducation and they ity environment. :33 :35 by keeping crime persistantly dangerous list. -3- in tonight'' waste watch... a new report shows baltimore city workers wasted earllyone million dollars in taxpayer stations ttat were not city-app! approvedd!yranda stephens is
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live downtown with the numbers and the response rom the payor. this s one of 8-government- ownee gas ssations ....where pity workers are supposed to fill up their tanks. but a nnw reporttshows many are instead choosing convenience over cost... and in turn... wwsting taxpayers' ddllars. the report frrm the ccty's inspector general ... shows city workers wasted over 900-thousaad dolllrs on gas cardd over the last sixxyears. it found workers were pumping gas at áprivateá stations - which on aveeageewere 89-cents more than city stations! mayor ssephanie rrwlings-bllke says she's grateful ffr the inspeetor general's report. sse says e's doing exactly what she hired him to do when wasteful spending. unless e identify it. and i'm 3 focused on fixing it. we've already implementtd many of the reforms ttat are suugested &pin the inspector general'ss
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report and my hope is to continne moving fooward with that so we can continue, so we canncontinue to save monee 48 the inspector general recommends the gas card program be re-evaluaaed... to mmre oversight. live in powntown baltimore, ms, fox45 news at 5. join... our waste wwtch. if... you ee governmmnt waste.. all... our hotline.. 410-662-1456. or... go to fox- baltimmre dot om. it's been ttn years since the d-c sniper arrests.... following the region. but.... now - / onn... of the pilllrs.... is... baak in thh nees. .../ as... new york... ppegnant womaa..../ here noo to explain.../ the bizarre... connectton...keith. jeff and jennifee.... the victim is a other of four.. and tonightther murder convicted/sniper lee boyd detectives in new york.. the killer thhre left a note
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demaaning maavo's release from prison.. or theemmrddrs would ce outside a brooklyn apartmenn building - in new york - frienns and family of 388year- old vindalee smith... re grieving.""e are praying for last weekend - the ddy before her wedding.stabbed several times - hhr throat lashed.and will kill one pregnant woman a month starting now until leee boyd malvo is set ffee."leee boyd malvo -- is one of the snipers who terrorized the d-c and new york region ten years ago... randomly argeting &pddzens of unsuspectiig victims... and killing tenn people....this month - mallo - granted a are interview ppst.... expressinggregret for his crimes."i waa a monster...
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i meann i wassa monsser... that's what a monster is." deeectives in new york are downplaying the mention of plaiming there is no clear connection...calling it a hoax - the killer's attempt to throw them off his track.but neighbors in new york are taking he threat ssriously.... new yorr oolce have questioned he pregnant victim's fiance. phey've leerned he is legally married to another wooan. &p but so far - no arrestt keithhdaniels, fox 45 news at five. a... man's... in... serious condition... this morning.../ after... a... police-involved ssooting... in... northwest bal. the scene... aaound... 9 o'clook last night... &p on... spauuding... near queensberry avenue....//police... say... they... were oot... when... they heard gunnire...- and... spotted a man... running... from the area..../ that's... when....the confrontationn they heard gunshots...
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police.. returned fire.. striking suspect non fatally. fatally. the suspect... iss.. now in phe hoopptal... wth a gunshot officers... were injjred... in the ssootiig. two high ranking pplice commanders arr ccearrd of criminal a surprise mooe, the ccty state's attorney issued a statement saying the two un-named captains didd't violate ny laws when they ccllect overtime.baltimorr's to inspector geneeal also investigated the alleggaiins but has not issuee a report. the east ccast is keeping an &peee on the storm ut in the atllntic... hoping it doos not chief meteorologist vytas reid poons us with ore on hat could be come a perfect storm... vvtas.
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how are the roads looking tonig? ponight?brrndi proctor has our praffic edge report. repprt. mapliberty rt 40shawanmaps335map
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maryland... same sex n-3 parriage... why some voters in maryland... will not get to vote on these ballot questions. and two men beating up another on a subway...but that ll comee to a halt when a third passsnger pulls out an stephanie rawlings-blake: voting for question seven is an... incredible opportunity for baltimore. jim smith: question seven will bring table games like... blackjack and poker to baltimore. stephanie rawlings-blake: you're talking about 500 new jobs. ken ulman: and increased tourism will mean more business...
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for maryland's small businesses. jim smith: and instead of marylanders spending... five hundred and fifty million in other states... ken ulman: question seven will keep that money right here. stephanie rawlings-blake: more jobs, millions for schools. jim smith: i'm voting for question seven. ken ulman: i'm voting for question seven. stephanie rawlings-blake: and i'm voting for question seven. indiana... g--o--p...
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senate candidaae... richard mmrdock... is... backing aaay... from his... previous stateeent... that.. preenancies... resulting from rape... are... "aagift fom god." god.""ow,... republican presiiential who... appeared... in - a tvvad ...for murdock,.... is... distancing himself... from the senator. .../ in... a debate... candidates.../murdocc... made thhs stattmenn. "i just, i strugglld with it
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for myselffa long timeeand i came to realize liff is gift from god and iithink evennwhen situatioo oo rape that iss something god intended to pappen." affer thh debate, ... murddck... clarified the commeet... by... sayiig... he was answering the question.../ to is faith../// &pthe... flap comes ...abbuu two months ...after missouri's republican ssid a wooan... is... áunlikelyá... to get pregnant... ffom - what he called -/ 3 as... the race... foo tte white house.... enters... its stretch, .../ the... media ccverage... grows... more iiten. intense..... but there re questions whether the coverage thii ampaign season has been jeff abell examines the - bias....ons of mediaabias.... 3 3 3&p3 33 3 3 3 3 p3& &p3 3 3- 3 3 3 (debate argument) in a campaign wheee the fight is fierre.... (debate
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argument) and the coverage naas) is it accurate.....? p or is it biasee......? (paal ryan interview) (:044 "i think it goes wwthout saying there's defnitely a media biass..." ast &pponthh republican paul ryaa complained that the reporters povering his campaign hhve peee far from fair. (paul thiik most main stream media are left of center and want a left of center president versus a conservative president likeemitt romnny...." to bolster the second presidential debatee...when moderatorr andy crowley stepped into the fray to eetle the score... &p(debate argument) (1108:10) (vatz) "it against mitt romney in favoo offthe president...." of the caamaign have painted governor romney in a farrmore negattve light. researchers at the university of maryland thousands of pictures campaign.... in the largeet &pmedia ouulets in the country.....they discovered governor rooney as appeared in pictures far morreoften thannpresident obama..... but the pictures hhven't always cast him in a positive before the debates presiddnt 3 obama was portrayed positively in pictures....(change pictuue) romney. but after (change picture) "began - lookkng a whole (11:09:21) (vatz) have reporters follow libeerl views in (1:57) (professor "this countrys been moving too theeright forrmost of idea thattthere's some kind of left to maae to mmvv the country to - the rrght."concerr, governor romney isn't whining'...... &p just watchhng.... knowin je allrrting.thousn i
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&pin that study of campaign photos, researcherr found that in heeweek prioo to the first debate...the fox news chhnnel published twice as many negativv photos of governor president obama. and its our qqestion oo the ddy.... do you think the ews media is ? &pbiaaed? david writts n our facebook pagee.."absolutely. it's disgus" disgustinn." and jaaquelinee writes..." of ourse. ii's nothinn new.." almost evvryone says yes. go... to... fox- bbltimmrr dot com .../ ell us... what you offf.. thru... foxbaltimore.../. text... your answer to ....5-203..../ eeter... yes.. / fox45b for no. the maryllnd state board of elections is investigating what caused a missinggpage inn some absentee ballots in voters are missing a second ee page.residents who have
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requested an absentee ballot should check to make sure they have complete ballot with a second page ttat innludes quusttons fourrthrough seven... which cover questions on same-sex marriage, gambling expansson... and in-state theesame sex marriage referendum will be the focus of a fox45 town hall we will stream the town hall - dot com. ii starts at 7 p-m. 3 &p3 ccildhood obbsity is maj problem.what commmn pharacceristii oolook for in parents that coold add to the problem? and a huge honor for the &pbaltimore oriolessmanager.wha pardwarr buck showalter will &pbe ppcking up. 33 & --adblib wwetherr don'tt.. messswithhthis... guy
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in arizona..../in ordee... to break up... a....fight... on a lighttrril/...he... pulls out a sammrri sword..../the assailants... finally leave the train...//. police are investigating... - the incident. -- react to story -- halfwayythrough tte week... another beautiful day.another through the week... aaother way &pbeautiful day.great temperatures for his season... sunny long &pmeteooologist vytts reed....
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3 a tax on soda??where itt consuuers will have to pay. and a recall to tell you about dissase the meat could bee carrying... oming uu. dissase the meat could bee carrying... oming uu. it's heavy lifting. you stenator named ben. by getting bwi-marshall funding for new runways, he's helping us serve 21 million passengers a year, which helps keep 100,000 jobs that depend on the airport, and that means more cargo for more businesses and more skycaps unloading more taxis... welcome to bwi. ...carrying families with more luggage. thanks. it's like he's out here with us. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approve this message.
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mayor: casino owners in west virginia are spending millions against question seven. that upsets me. and that upsets jonathan ogden. you don't want to upset jonathan ogden. ogden: no you don't. mayor: question seven means thousands of jobs and millions for our schools. but these west virginia casinos want to keep it all for themselves. we're not happy about that. ogden: no we aren't. mayor: so join us and vote for question seven. and west virginia, don't make me send jonathan ogden over there. mayor: vote for question seven. ogden: for baltimore. stress levels... in parents...
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may playya role... in wwether ... their child is focused... on....more than ...21--hundred households... and... 17---years old....///25%.. of... the kids wee obese..../ those... with parenns ...who were stressed about health financial strain,... unemployment, ... siigle parenthood... and poverty... ere mmre likell to be overweight. the... meningitis outbeak... haa now reached georgia.../ tying the outbbrak its á17thá state...///.that's... state... to makee ure sometting like this doesn't happen aaainn..///. massachusetts..... &p leadees... are calling for.. new regulations... to prevent
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another crisii...//.they've... mooed... too revoke... the license of he new england compounddng &pcenter,...// where... the... taintedd steroids ...ooiginated.../ massachusetts... governor... hassordered... inspections of pharmacies... that prepare... meniigitis... has sickened... more than... 300 people... / leaving 23 dead. a ... tax hike... on... tobacco more expeesive / that... accordiig... tooa study... released ttday... byythe... "maryland health care... for all"... coalition.../.the group... ...on... small cigarss.. and... related... products ...popullr ...wwth teenagers.../.the.... ggal... was to... drive up the price.../ from buuing ttem. "from all across the state people came together ann &pdemanded it..tobacco companie are powerful, ut we overcame that and got it done. lives are going to be saved." ...went iitt effect in julyy.../ raising taxes from 15 ... &ptt... 70 percent ...oo... "little cigars....///" beee are being recalled rrund -
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poday... over fears of eecoli cn contamination.the -s ffod safetyyand inspection service includes 10--ound cases llbbeed "ground beef bulk" and 12-pound cases labeled "grouud beef patties." another recall &pfrom hawaii was manufaattred at the ""iga meaa anddpork repprted casee of illness. flyiig to ee family nd friends foo turkey day.. will between novemberr 7 and 27... pill cost you aaout 400 doolars on average.that's almost 9 percent more thaa last year.passengers competing for fewwr seatssand the fluctuating pprce of fuel are some money by flying out ve - áearlyá on hanksgiving... and either flying out the next puesday. &pif you've shooped at a bbrnes and nobleestore recently... statement.the ooksttre chain 3 &pssys customers at 63 ssores
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nationwwde... may have had their acccunts hacked.hackers broke into the keypadssin front offcash registers... preeit cards and enter their four-digit pins. the coopany pads... whhle anninvestigation gets underway. new tonight on fox 45 news at 5:30...a ome invasion in frederiic... the surprising place wheee the suspected gang leader works.. ffom is now out of he baltimore harbor. &p3
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